What We Do

Founded on 23 June 2008, the Singapore National Paralympic Council (SNPC) is an Institution of Public Character (IPC) that focuses on supporting and empowering Singapore’s para athletes and is responsible for fielding Singapore teams for the ASEAN Para Games, Asian Para Games, Asian Youth Para Games, Commonwealth Games and Paralympic Games. 

As a member of the International Paralympic Committee, the SNPC is part of a worldwide social change movement, which uses the power of sport to positively influence community perceptions of people with disabilities and to promote a more diverse and inclusive society by educating and strengthening the values of the Paralympic Movement and Paralympic aspirations in Singapore. 

We believe that our athletes are more than sporting icons and can inspire beyond the sporting arenas, touching the hearts and minds of individuals throughout society. As part of the mission to grow and strengthen the Paralympic movement in Singapore, we work closely with international and local affiliates, national sports organisations and partners to provide sports programmes, expertise and opportunities for competitive development from beginner to elite levels.

For more information on the various engagements and initiatives that the SNPC does, click here.

To inspire and promote an inclusive society through para sport in Singapore

To promote and protect the Paralympic Movement in Singapore, and support our athletes to achieve sporting excellence

  • To advance para sport, where para sport promotes health of participants through physical skill and exertion;
  • To negotiate with similar bodies in other territories in all matters appertaining to the general interest of para sport and in particular in the organisation of inter-territorial meetings, but so as not to limit in any way the activities of existing Associations;
  • To plan, select, train and administer any Singapore Association, team or organisation whether representing Singapore or as part of a joint team of organisation with any territory or territories, and for that purpose to be affiliated to the IPC and any other organisation of a like nature;
  • To develop, manage and protect the Paralympic Movement in Singapore;
  • To ensure the observance of the IPC Handbook in Singapore;
  • To encourage the development of high performance para sport as well as sport for all;
  • To organise and encourage educational and cultural activities and exchanges that contribute to the development and promotion of the Paralympic Movement, enhance awareness of disability and drive social inclusion;
  • To raise, manage and administer funds for the furtherance of the above objects;
  • To be completely independent and autonomous and to resist all political, religious or commercial pressure; 
  • To fight against the use of substances and procedures prohibited by the IPC or the IFs and, in this regard, to ensure the observance of the World Anti-Doping Code which provisions shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to all persons and competitions under the jurisdiction of SNPC;
  • To commit itself to taking action against any form of discrimination, segregation and violence in para sport;
  • To unify all segments within the fraternity and be willing to work with each of these segments for the common good of para sport in Singapore; and
  • To co-operate with government or non-government bodies in order to fulfil its objectives.


The Paralympic Movement has adopted and follows athlete-focused values, which act as the underlying reference for all those involved in Para sport.

Para athletes through their performances showcase to the world what can be achieved when testing your body to its absolute limits

Para athletes have a unique strength of character that combines mental toughness, physical ability and outstanding agility to produce sporting performances that regularly redefine the boundaries of possibility

As role models, Para athletes maximise their abilities, empowering and exciting others to be active and participate in sport

Through sport, Para athletes celebrate diversity and show that difference is a strength. As pioneers for inclusion, they challenge stereotypes, transform attitudes and break down social barriers and discrimination towards persons with disabilities


The word “Paralympic” derives from the Greek preposition “para” (beside or alongside) and the word “Olympic”. Its meaning is that Paralympics are the parallel Games to the Olympics and illustrates how the two movements (i.e. Olympic Movement and Paralympic Movement) exist side-by-side.

Paralympic Movement

The Paralympic Movement is athlete-focused. Through athletes’ stories and achievements, attitudes towards people with an impairment can be changed. They engage and motivate people to create a more inclusive society. The Paralympic Movement builds a bridge which links sport with social awareness to help forge a path for this change and spread the message of respect and equal opportunity for all individuals.

Extract from 2013 Brand Book of the IPC.

Click the icon for more information about the Paralympic Movement and its history.

Athletes Achievement Awards (AAA)

The Athletes Achievement Awards (AAA) is given out by the Singapore National Paralympic Council (SNPC) to outstanding athletes who have excelled in major games. It is given out in recognition of the huge commitment, discipline and passion to training and competing at the highest level – the desire to go that extra distance beyond self.

The Tote Board and DBS are the primary sponsors of the AAA which provide a cash payout to athletes who contribute to Singapore’s gold, silver or bronze medal tally in the Asian Para Games, Commonwealth Games, and Paralympic Games, and a gold medal in the ASEAN Para Games.

20% of the cash payout is typically retained by the Singapore National Paralympic Council and Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC) / National Disability Sports Associations (NDSAs) to help fund future training and development. Athletes are entitled to the awards up to a maximum of three highest individual achievements.

The remaining 80% of the cash payout is taxable if the individual receiving the AAA is an athlete employed by a sports body or carrying on a trade, business, profession or vocation in relation to his/her sporting ability.

Organisation Structure

Mr Leslie Lee

Mr Leslie Lee joined the SNPC as Secretary General on 1 August 2022. Prior to this, he was with the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry as Director, of Industry Clusters that oversee the growth and development of Trade Association and Chambers in Singapore, in partnership with various government agencies. He has more than 17 years of work experience in the public sector ranging from economics, land transportation, maritime security & relations, and sports infrastructure, including the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR), United Nations Convention on the Law of the SEA (UNCLOS), Sports Facilities Master Plan (SFMP) among others.

Ms Chia Yun Lin

Ms Chia Yun Lin joined the SNPC on 1 June 2021. With her prior experience in client services of close to ten years, she brings a fresh and positive vibe to her role as a Sports Manager. Through her strong organisational skills and cheerful disposition, she hopes to help the para athletes fulfil their sporting goals by providing the best support possible, especially at major Games.

Ms Dyan Kusuma

Dyan Kusuma, who joined our team on April 1, 2024, brings over two decades of experience in finance and accounting. In her current role, she oversees SNPC’s full set of accounts and finances, handles grants management and reporting, ensures adherence to governance standards, and manages various administrative and secretarial tasks. In addition to her financial acumen, Dyan has been a photographer for Team Singapore since 2013, demonstrating her creativity and passion outside of her professional domain.